About Me

Mike and I got married June 9,2006. Before braving children we tried a few pets and consider them our children. We have two cats, Mouse and Salem and 2 ferrets named Mr. Pickles and Moose. We figured if we did good with them, kids would be easy--yea right!! We have an adorable 2 year old, Cheyenne Laura North. She is our pride and joy!! She was born May 31, 2008! So we're busy workin and playing with her!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cheyenne Laura North

Cheyenne was born at about 1AM on May 31, 2008. She was 3 weeks early. I had Pre-eclampsia(REALLY high blood pressure)so I had to be induced. The whole thing only took 5 hours and she was so small that it was a breeze! She weighed 4LBS 13OZ and was 16 1/2 inches long. The doctor said she probably stopped growing about 2 weeks before this but her lungs and everything continued to develop. So needless to say, she was perfect, just petite. Her dad and I worked graveyard shifts the night before so we were happy yet exhausted yet excited to see her!!

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