About Me

Mike and I got married June 9,2006. Before braving children we tried a few pets and consider them our children. We have two cats, Mouse and Salem and 2 ferrets named Mr. Pickles and Moose. We figured if we did good with them, kids would be easy--yea right!! We have an adorable 2 year old, Cheyenne Laura North. She is our pride and joy!! She was born May 31, 2008! So we're busy workin and playing with her!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How mean am I?

So my mom and I were at Walmart on Saturday and they had a those mechanical rides that the little kids can ride on and I thought it would be fun to let Cheyenne ride on one. Boy, was I wrong. It was sad, yet I couldn't keep myself from laughing. It was a jeep that had a monkey in the passenger seat and an elephant and giraffe in the back seat. I thought she would enjoy playing with the steering wheel as the car went up and down. Well as you can see, this was a very traumatic event!!


cuzimmom said...

Maybe I should report you to someone, so that I can have her all to myself!!!
Luv ya...keep up doing the goodness you are doing.

The Beckstroms said...

Hooray for traumatic experiences...they have to learn somehow right? That is what I tell Andrea when I am teasing the stuffin out of Caroline. So I remembered again that you have a blog...I know I am slow, but what can you do? So I added you as a friend on our blog. This means I will be checking in a lot more frequently so keep on posting! Love ya!!!