About Me

Mike and I got married June 9,2006. Before braving children we tried a few pets and consider them our children. We have two cats, Mouse and Salem and 2 ferrets named Mr. Pickles and Moose. We figured if we did good with them, kids would be easy--yea right!! We have an adorable 2 year old, Cheyenne Laura North. She is our pride and joy!! She was born May 31, 2008! So we're busy workin and playing with her!

Monday, March 16, 2009

International Sportsman's Expo

So last weekend we went to the Sportsman's Expo. It was crowded to say the least, but you'd be surprised how much room people give you when you have a stroller. Chy had a good time, I think. She looked like she was having yelling at people as they walked by and seeing the big stuffed animals. The sad thing is, only one picture came out on my phone :( Oh well!


cuzimmom said...

You forgot to mention the pink camo she was decked out in, so she could fit right in!

The Beckstroms said...

We are so glad that Cheyenne is healthy and well! She is absolutely darling and we are so glad that Caroline has a girl around to even out the boy brigade!