About Me

Mike and I got married June 9,2006. Before braving children we tried a few pets and consider them our children. We have two cats, Mouse and Salem and 2 ferrets named Mr. Pickles and Moose. We figured if we did good with them, kids would be easy--yea right!! We have an adorable 2 year old, Cheyenne Laura North. She is our pride and joy!! She was born May 31, 2008! So we're busy workin and playing with her!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Great-Grandma Dickson

Cheyenne and Mom and Grandma went and visited Great-Grandma Dickson yesterday. She fell on Friday(and maybe had a seizure). She is 90 years old and still tickin'! Cheyenne likes to go visit her because Great-Grandma gives her so much attention!! We wish Great-Grandma well and hopes she gets back on her feet soon! WE LOVE YOU!!


Here And Happy! said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma's accident. Old people are so dear, but fragile. I'm glad you have pics of her with Cheyenne. You'll cherish them one day! Love you three.

The Beckstroms said...

That is so hard, hope you guys are all doing ok with all of that going on. Adam and I have a credit card that we buy everything on through United Airlines that we get sky miles on. That is how we do it and it has worked well. Good Luck! That sounds fun!