About Me

Mike and I got married June 9,2006. Before braving children we tried a few pets and consider them our children. We have two cats, Mouse and Salem and 2 ferrets named Mr. Pickles and Moose. We figured if we did good with them, kids would be easy--yea right!! We have an adorable 2 year old, Cheyenne Laura North. She is our pride and joy!! She was born May 31, 2008! So we're busy workin and playing with her!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Me and da boys

Today Cheyenne got to spend the morning with her cousins! She was getting baby-sat by her Great-Grandma Beckstrom (AKA Grandma-the-Great) and so were my cousins' kids. Caleb is 1 1/2, Hyrum is 5, and Andrew is 3. Cheyenne enjoys having others to entertain her! Andrew loves Cheyenne! He always wants to help with her! We love our boys!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Great-Grandma Dickson

Cheyenne and Mom and Grandma went and visited Great-Grandma Dickson yesterday. She fell on Friday(and maybe had a seizure). She is 90 years old and still tickin'! Cheyenne likes to go visit her because Great-Grandma gives her so much attention!! We wish Great-Grandma well and hopes she gets back on her feet soon! WE LOVE YOU!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


So poor Cheyenne is teething. It's been so tough on her. She seems to get really close to popping out a tooth then......nothing! Poor kid! She's just no so enthused about growing teeth (I don't blame her, I'm not enjoying it either).

Sunday, January 4, 2009


This Christmas was fun! We had a lot of fun showing Cheyenne how to do things (unwrap presents, play with new toys, etc.). The funny thing is, all we needed to get her was wrapping paper and bows. She is still trying to cut her first tooth so everything goes in the mouth, that includes the wrapping paper and bows. She would get mad if you took them away-she wants to keep them.
Our Christmas morning was unique. We woke up at 6:15am-Daddy couldn't wait to find out what he got from Santa-then the power went out at 6:30. So we(Mike, me, Cheyenne, Grandma, Grandpa and Steph) got to open out presents by flashlight and propane lantern. So, because of that we didn't get any pics but later we took some of Cheyenne with all her opened presents. After we finished our Christmas, Mike, Cheyenne and I drove to Lehi to have the North side Christmas. The only problem with that was it was snowing and had been all night. In WJ we already had 5 inches and it was only 9am. So needless to say, it's a good thing Mike has 4 wheel drive! It took over an hour but we made it safe and sound.
Down in Lehi we had a big breakfast with Mike's side of the family. Great-Grandma Jewel and Great-Grandpa Paul were there as well as Aunt Karen and Aunt Lisa and their families. It was so nice to spend time with everyone. We love you!